Thankful Thursday ~ Joyful Living

You have put more joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and wine abound.(Psalm 4:7 ESV)

I have to admit that my life is not perfect, but I rather look at the good things the Lord has blessed me with. We all have challenges in life; some are more severe than others. But if I focus on the negative aspects of life, it can get me really down. So, here are some positive notes in my life and that I am very, very thankful for.

  • Of course the love of my Lord, Jesus. I know that you have had those moments. One second you grin from ear-to-ear, and the next second you shed tears, because His LOVE powerful floods over you (or maybe it just me)
  • My marriage – it is by no means perfect, but it is awesome to be married to a man who takes me for who I am. He does not agree with me on everything, but that is okay.
  • Incredible friends who encourage and support you making your dreams a reality. The best part is when friends pray over you. It gives me peace.
  • Fantastic authors, like Tessa Afshar, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Joan Wolf. They bring His Word to life. All of them focus on the women in the Bible. And I enjoy that greatly.
  • And my portrait photography brings me great joy. I love seeing smiles on the faces of my clients when I drop off their orders.

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: focus on the joyful things this side of heaven and be thankful for what God as blessed you with.

Love & peace,

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. It Feels Like Chaos
2. WestJet Christmas Miracle
3. Mia / Tribute to Madiba
4. Kathleen
5. The ONE (Renewed Daily)
6. The Best People To Choose As Friends
7. lorig
8. Natasha

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Thankful Thursday ~ Advent Study

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. (John 1:9-11 ESV)

It sounds a lot like Christmas…around here. This year I am doing something totally different during the Advent season. I am participating in an Advent Bible study. The study is held by the “Good Morning Girls“; the name is “Keeping Our Hearts Focused on Jesus”. How fitting, don’t you agree?

I really like the study format and I am thankful that I came across it. Heather from Becoming Titus 2 Women posted about it on FB. I am very thankful that she did.

Like I said, I like the format. Angela from “Good Morning Girl” calls is SOAP: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. I have never heard about this study style, but it totally works for me.

You see, I love Bible study, but sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the ‘home-work’, I quit halfway through. This is just the perfect amount of ‘home-work’. My favorite part though is that you write out every Scripture passage. There is a memory verse each week as well. I truly enjoy memorizing Scripture (gives me a weapon when the fiery darts of the devil start flying around). This week is Romans 15:13:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13 ESV)

Love that Scripture passage. Although the study started on December 1st, I would really like for you to check it out. I am thankful for this study so that I can truly keep my eyes and heart focused on Jesus this Christmas; just as it should be.

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: Keep your heart focused on Jesus, the Reason for the Season.

Love & peace,

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Mia / A Turbulent Heart
2. Advent: Zechariah
3. The One Condition to Obtaining True Riches
4. LaughingLady
5. Daily Journey
6. What is Your Light Source in the Storm?
7. lorig

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Advent Study with the GMG Crew

I am very excited to be part of the Advent Study with the Good Morning Girls crew this year. I haven’t done an online study for a very long time, and God has been nudging me to pick it up again. I pray that I will stay focused on the true reason for the season and do not derail until Christmas Day.

It is not too late for you to join in, so please check out the study on the Good Morning Girls website here (click on the image):

Love & peace,

The Home With The Open Door – Powerful Parenting

It started with a pound of hamburger.

Prayers of a righteous MotherYep, I discovered a door of trust and a bridge to relationships, as well as a ton of laughter, opened up in our home when I was in the kitchen with a pound of ground beef. In the very early years of parenting both my son and my daughter, I committed to making my home a place where my children’s friends were always welcome. As my kids grew, and even now as my daughter is a senior in high school, kids unexpectedly show up at our house to hang out.

As the noise enters the house, I ask, “How was your day?” followed by, “Are you hungry?” The answer to the first question often varies, but the answer to the second is always a loud and exuberant yes!

Thus the hamburger, and twenty minutes later, we have tacos for everyone. I’ve become known in teen circles around my town as Mexican-Food Mama. The teens chide me as they walk in, asking, “Hey, are we having tacos?” knowing full well what the answer will be. I smile at their kidding around and thank our Lord that I am accepted into their highly stressful and culturally challenging world. I am a voice in their lives. And it all started with a taco. Who knew? 

What I’ve slowly realized is that, almost by accident, I’ve created a soft place to land for my children and their friends. Over the years, while kids munched on tacos and tortilla chips, I lingered with them in the kitchen, participating in something rare and special. I became part of their world, learning about their friendships and their families. I joined in laughter as they relived some crazy antic that took place in the drama class, and I empathized with them as they conveyed their complaints about their school projects, their challenging teachers and their troubles at home. My daughter and her best friend included me as they talked about their fears and concerns for students who were choosing the troubled path of drugs, and they shared their concern and pain with me about a friend of theirs who had decided to have sex with her boyfriend. 

Over time and with intention, I’ve built relationships with these kids. I’ve welcomed them to step through our open door, and I have loved each one of them. My token offering of a taco turned out to be a rich investment in a number of young people. I’ve developed relationships through love and acceptance by purposely leaving judgments about these kids’ clothes, music choices, sexual identities, hairstyles, etc. at the front door. I’m a safe adult in a world in which many kids don’t know what it feels like. 

Being the parent with the open door actually reduces my mom-stress. I know where my child is, and I know whom she is with. The open door also allows me something far more important: it lets me know what to pray for my daughter and her friends as they try to navigate the difficulties of adolescence.

I think it goes without saying that friendships bear significant influence on our children’s choices, on how they process life and on how they react to the world around them. As a praying mom, I’m compelled to bring these teens before God in prayer, and more importantly, I bring my son and daughter before God with requests, concerns and hopes. I want God’s wisdom, power and love to influence and impact my children and their friends. So I pray words from a mother’s heart.

Having been a mom now for more than 30 years, I’m convinced that a mother’s prayer is one of the most powerful on earth. Read this passage from James with me: “The prayer of a righteous man (woman) is powerful and effective” (5:16). My friends, this passage is amplified when a mom whispers words filled with passion, seeking God’s protection, intervention and wisdom for her children.

It’s my hope that you will also be a mom who is the keeper of The Open Door. ~Lynn Donovan

Note Alone Cover ArtIn Not Alone, you’ll find encouragement and inspiration from Scripture and true-life stories from other spiritually mismatched moms. Plus, find practical tips for capturing teachable moments with eternity in mind, and discovery questions to help you grow as a parent.

This is a parenting book, but it’s much more. It’s a love letter to all mothers—a message that changes our homes, our kids and our lives. It’s about the Father’s love that impacts those around us and changes ordinary moms into women of extraordinary grace, beauty and wisdom.

You may sometimes feel you’re on your own when it comes to godly parenting, but Jesus promised to be with you always. You’re not alone!

Lynn will be giving away a signed copy of her and Dineen’s new book “Not Alone”. Please leave a comment below. A winner will be drawn next Monday, November 25th, 2013.

Profile for TypepadLynn Donovan is a women’s ministry leader, a retreat/conference speaker and an ordinary mom and wife who shares with audiences her everyday adventures of living in the Presence of God. Her delight is igniting women’s hearts with Holy Spirit fire. And to encourage women to step fully into their high and holy calling of marriage and motherhood with joy, laughter and God’s favor. She has been featured guest on The Miracle Channel, 700 Club Interactive, Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson’s FamilyTalk and FamilyLife Today. She is the coauthor of the award winning book, Winning Him Without Words and her newest parenting book title is, Not Alone. Lynn lives with her husband in Temecula, California and they have two adult children, daughter-in-law and a granddaughter. Visit Lynn online at