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***Sticky Post until Thanksgiving — Scroll down for new Content***

Would you like to spend some time with your mom, sister, or girlfriend praising God in a different setting? Meeting up with women who love Christ but are from different denominations? Than our Fall contest is for you. Click on the below button to find out how you can enter. You have until Thanksgiving…

Blessings on your day and as always…

Walk the Talk

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14 (ESV)

As I had mentioned last week, my friend Lynn got me going with her post about “Edgy Christianity“. One book she had mentioned on her list was titled “I am fine with God…It’s Christians I Can’t Stand”. I have not bought/read the book, just took a peak at Amazon to read the first chapter…

One major annoyance to the unsaved population is that we try to impress our moral points with force on them. Do we? Do we point out what is wrong in their lives rather than to point to the cross of Salvation? Are we hypocrites? Modern day Pharisees?

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.” ~ Matthew 23:25-26 (ESV)

Sadly part of me has to agree. You see, the world does not see the ‘average’ Christian, but the high profile preachers/teachers/tele-evangelists. How many have we seen preach moral points “Do this, don’t do that”? How many of them later stumbled over the exact issue (sin) — fell from their high horse?

My point is that we all are sinners (believers and unbelievers). We are all in need of a Savior. We are not saved by our own works, but by the grace of God:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” ~ Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV)

You see, good works is not what brings us to saving faith. Good works begins after we have been saved. Are we no longer a sinner after Christ reached down to save us? By no means. As for me, I sin daily. Do I want to? Of course not. But I am human. God gave me free will — sometimes I make wrong choices. Does God love me less because of the choices I have made? No, but I can not be in someones face because of their sin.

So how can we share the Gospel without self-righteous talk? Get out of the way…Walk the talk with His guidance and strength. Let us admit to our own sinful nature. Share what Christ has done in us. Only Christ can change hearts — we don’t have the power to do that. Let me close with a quote by St. Francis of Assisi:

“Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.”

Blessings to your weekend and as always…

Finally Upgraded

Material used for LO “Holliewood Studios

It took me a very long time to upgrade to a newer version of WP. Not only because the back-end is totally different, but upgrading is always a pain…I hope that everything went well and you will not have any problems either seeing my blog, or leaving comments 😉 …

I know I have been really quiet over the last 6 months or so – just posting Thankful Thursdays…I do hope that I soon will be back to somewhat a ‘normal’ blogging schedule (whatever normal is for me 😆 ). One thing I do know, that with my Lord’s help, I will try to encourage you in your walk with Him.

Hope to see you all soon…


Thankful Thursday ~ Freedom

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”
~ Romans 8:18-21 (ESV emphasis mine)

Since we are celebrating this up-coming weekend Independence Day in the US, I thought about the word ‘Freedom’ or being ‘Free’. For me, true freedom only comes by knowing Jesus.

As you are celebrating this weekend, think about that freedom always comes with a price. Thankfully my way to heaven has been purchased with the blood of Christ. So, this week, my thankful list includes (but is not limited to)…

  • Lord, thank You for providing a way to spend eternity with You. Thank you for sending Your son to die in my place; to give me true freedom…
  • I am thankful that I live in a country where I can still worship Who I want to worship. Although it is getting harder to not get in trouble for mentioning the name of Jesus, I can still do it without going to prison…
  • I am thankful that I can still read my Bible freely at work if I choose to…
  • I am thankful that my beloved and I can freely move around in this country without any papers that give us permission to travel. Although traveling is getting expensive – remember that my family in Germany is paying roughly $8.00/gallon…
  • I am thankful that my family in Germany has the same freedom – freedom to move around, read the Bible, and worship the Lord of lords…
  • I am thankful for members of the military that have given up their own freedom to help others in the world to experience the same freedom…
  • And I am thankful that I can freely share my faith here on my blog for the world to see that there is hope…

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us in leaving your link below.

Thank you for stopping by today – and remember this Independence Day to thank our Lord for the true freedom He so freely gave for us at the cross…


Thankful Thursday Participants

1. MyThreeDaughters
2. Gina’s Public Diary
3. Stacy
4. Lisa@blessedwithgrace
5. mama meji
6. Felicity
7. Cheryl @ Hope
8. janet2
9. Melanie
10. Angela
11. Karen (I have so much to be thankful for!)
12. Gina @ chats with an old lady
13. Laurie @ womentakingastand
14. ari_1965
15. Serendipity & Happy
16. BP @ Raindrops & Rainbows
17. Chelsey ~ Joyfully Living
18. Peggy@Mazes,Messes,Miracles…aMazing Grace
19. Susan @ Forever His
20. Angie
21. Pia @ My Life’s Journey
22. Dawn’s Daily Life
23. on the Rock
24. Beth@The Accidental Pharisee
25. Day to Day Miracles
26. Steven and Aisha
27. Blessed One
28. Natalija
29. Miriam Pauline
30. Lori ~ Simple Life at Home
31. Liza’s Eyeview
32. Paula
33. Mamasmurf (Chrissy)
34. Sharon
35. Dorothy Bowen Klass
36. Heather @ Not a DIY Life
37. Renee@In Christ Alone
38. Ann/mom2HandH
39. Kim aka GoofyMamma
40. Mary
41. Cheryl
42. Tracy @ Thirsty for Him
43. Lea
44. Beverly (by Grace)
45. Laurie Ann
46. sHaE-sHaE
47. alihsee
48. Heather@mommymonk
49. Rosheeda
50. Brianna
51. Michelle
52. Kristi at Kiki\’s Corner
53. lori@allyouhavetogive
54. Millie
55. Kathleen Marie
56. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings
57. toknowhim
58. Jendi
59. Dori
60. Tea with Tiffany
61. It’s All About Him!
62. Nancy @ Homemade Blessings
63. Kim @ Scattered Stones
64. The Homemaker- A woman found
65. Tami @ The Next Step
66. Erica
67. Janet @ Daily Provision
68. Tammy @breaths of faith
69. Katy Lin
70. Nise’
71. L.H.@Virtuous Living Rocks
72. Mommy Magee
73. Stacy
74. Kathy
75. Jane Anne@Gravity of Motion
76. SharonB
77. bvoylesal@aol.com
78. Donetta at a life uncommon (kids laundry)
79. Jia@ColorMeUntypical
80. Marsha
81. Abby
82. Jessica
83. Willnette
84. Irene *The GreenGreek*
85. Rabia
86. Leanne from Canada!

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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