The Journey Continues

“Change is not only a part of life; change is a necessary part of God’s strategy. To use us to change the world , he alters our assignments”. ~ Max Lucado (Fearless)

Walking the desertLast week I shared with you on how God has been breaking down denominational walls in my life. I believe that God, over the past 6 months, has been opening my eyes to others faith. I am not saying that I agree with the statement “many roads lead to heaven” (Jesus was pretty clear about it in John 14:6). I believe that we first need to listen, have compassion, before God allows us to share the Good News.

Sometimes, we as Christians, condemn people before we understand their way of life. We assume a lot when we meet someone from the Middle East, or from India. The other day I watched an independent film about a woman from Syria moving to the US living the American dream. It was assumed (by her neighbors) that she was a Muslim. Come to find out she was not. Her statement: “We were a minority there, and we are a minority here”.

Sometimes we fall into the same trap as the religious leaders of Jesus’ days. We cross the street so we do not have to come in contact with people of other cultures or even faiths. Jesus was not like that at all. He recruited a tax collector (Matthew 10:1-3); He spoke to the woman at the well (John 4:1-45). He reached out to the ones hurting, no matter what their background was. Shouldn’t we do the same?

You may have noticed a new little button in my sidebar. As you know, photography is my passion and when I saw the website “Visual Peacemakers” I had to link up. I truly believe that visual peacemaking can be used to reach out. The website is for me a personal reminder to not cross the street when I see someone from a different culture, but to listen. And next time when I attend a cultural festival here in the valley I will see others not only through my lens, but through Jesus’ eyes.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for the journey You have put me on, helping me to understand what it means to be follower of Christ. Lord, I pray that You will continue to guide me, to reach out, to have compassion for all people. Show me Your way and stop me when again I want to do things my own way. I am trusting in Your mercy. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen