Thankful Thursday ~ Inspiration

I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
(Psalm 9:1 ESV)

I cannot believe that we are in the month of September. Goodness, where did this year go…There was so much I had planned for 2012, but some things just have not yet been accomplished.

I have chosen the title ‘inspiration’ because there are so many things that inspire me. The number one inspiration is God’s Word. Lately I have been meditating a lot on the book of Joshua. As I had shared at LWG this week, Joshua has always been my Old Testament hero.

Don’t get me wrong, David has written some very inspiring Psalms, but Joshua shows me how to obey God. Joshua always followed hard after God; no questions asked. Joshua’s faith inspires me to trust and obey God, no matter where the road leads.

This year has had its challenges, but then again so does every year. We plan for things, but than our plans fall through. Believe me, during my husband’s sickness I have cried, stomped my feet, screamed out loud (in the car)…and laughed at myself. However, the greatest thing I have taken away from the ordeal was to trust God and now by His grace I try to obey Him…no questions asked.

What are you thankful for this week? What inspires you? Share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: get inspired by God’s Word to see you through tough times.

Love & peace,

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
2. Tami @ The Next Step
3. I just wanted to help!
4. the Songs on the Way
5. A Bad Day
6. LaughingLady
7. Dana
8. Choose For Yourself
9. Mommy Time At Home
10. My Time is Not My Own
11. Melanie @ M&M
12. There is LIFE in the comments!
13. Easy ways to stay in the Word
14. Surrounded by You
15. Joyful!
16. bp
17. Mary
18. Christine@ Glory to God
19. Love Addict
20. Sarcastic Thank You’s – linky
21. Tiffany
22. Must We Be Baptized?
23. Chan@my life as a mum (link up)
24. Daily Journey
25. Pam – Pianissimo…
26. Chelle-I took the pledge…
27. Style N Season: Thank God for Mother’s Love
28. Kate@ Teaching What Is Good
29. A Moment with God
30. Fasting for Elizabeth

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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