Week 5 Shoot & Edit SOOC Heart

I started following Jill’s photo-blog “Forever n Ever n Always Photography”. I wish I would have followed her blog earlier (like 3 years ago); she has some really neat tutorials posted (could have used the “Aperture Tutorial” when I started my photography 😉 .

This week I am joining Jill in the SOOC (straight out of camera) challenge; the theme this week is “Hearts”. So here is what I came up with (first my settings):

The only thing I did with the photo is convert from RAW to JPG; reduced the size to 2400px x 3600px (8 x 12). You can see the larger size on my Flickr page:

Check our Jill’s post to see other photographer’s photographs for this challenge.

Thanks for stopping by – until next time with a new photography challenge 🙂