“I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.”
~ Psalm 57:9 (ESV)
I know that I talked about the ‘little’ things in life last week, but this morning I was once again reminded how truly blessed I am. I have the ‘basics’ of life. People in Alaska along the Yukon River, are not this blessed. They don’t have heat in this super-cold winter; some even ran out of food because the winter supply was not enough. I am grateful that something is done about it by Samaritan’s Purse International.
- Lord, thank You for allowing me to be a child of Yours…That is the most precious gift I have in my life…
- Lord, thank You for the daily bread. Not only do You meet my physical need for nourishment, but also my spiritual need…
- Lord, thank You for the roof over my head. I am comfortable on a daily basis. If I need to cool off, I can turn on our cooler…
- Lord, thank You for running water. I am so glad that I do not have to rely on going to a well; or don’t have water at all…
- Lord, thank You for the clothes on my back. Even though I whine to do laundry, I am glad that I do have the clothes in the hamper or closet…
- Lord, thank You for my beloved. Without him in my life, life would be very boring…
What are you thankful for this week. Please do share with us in leaving your link below. Please, please, do not link if you are not participating in Thankful Thursday. I really am trying to be nice about this request…I don’t like to remove links…Thank you from the bottom of heart…
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: even though our basic needs are met daily, don’t take them for granted.
Be blessed today and always…
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Hi Iris,
Often I find myself thankful for the little things like heat and water. Today I have just been overwhelmed by the love of God. Just overwhelmed….
Love you a ton. Thank you for hosting TT. hugs.
Lynn’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday – Sweetly Broken
Thanks for such a great reminder to be thankful for even the basics! So important that we never forget how fortunate we are to have the “basics”.
Melanie’s last blog post..Word-Filled Wednesday – Proverbs 16:24
You are so right we often for get to give thanks for the basics. I try to tell God I am thankful for all His provisons- bu tI must admit I don\’t name things such as water, air, heat etc. Thanks for sharing.
Willnette’s last blog post..TT- Just Thankful
Willnette’s last blog post..TT- Just Thankful
thank you for the reminder about the basic things. be blessed!
milet’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday ~ Basics
thank you for reminding us to be grateful with the basics. God bless you.
Pia’s last blog post..His Loving Assurance
My anti-spam word was my daughter’s name–thanks, Jesus, for giving us Hope!
Before I knew your theme, I ended up writing my post about being thankful for food…fitting right in with your theme.
Ann’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday–food
Fanastic post, Iris! Great theme, too. Turns out I wasn’t through being thankful for the basics myself. Thanks so much for hosting this meme each week. You are a blessing. God has really grown my attitude of thankfulness through this meme each week.
Laurie Ann’s last blog post..
Iris, I am so grateful for the basics of life. Not only in our physical needs but I am reminded of that song “back to the basics of life” – that sharing Gods love really needs to come directly from the heart and we need to get back to the basics. I appreciate you hosting each week. Happy TT!
A super reminder! We have so much to be grateful for! Especially when we think that we don’t deserve any of it. Thanks for hosting this carnival; it is so great to focus people on thankfulness!
It Feels Like Chaos’s last blog post..What it is like having 3 kids – Part 3
Thank you for hosting this meme! It so important to remember to say thanks in the little things because it’s so easy to overlook God’s goodness at times. Blessings to you! Amanda:)
Amanda’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday-God Reigns In The Transitions
I’m very eager for thursdays to come to post my thankfulness to HIM. God uses this meme to help develop in me an attitude of gratitude in “little” and “basic” things. Thanks for being a blessing to us.
genebei’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday #3
I love the Thankful Thursdays. Last week I didn’t realize there was a weekly theme…this week I am on the ball!
Glad to have made it today. Happy Thursday.
I love you, and your thankful heart my friend.
Denise’s last blog post..Word Filled Wednesday
Wow, my anti-spam word is my dh’s and ds’s name, so I had to comment before I actually did my post :).
Off to do it now!
Jen S’s last blog post..Odd and Interesting
That is a great thankful list. I was watching a show yesterday about how many people in the US are homeless. It sure made me thankful for what I have.
So easy we take for granted the basic things we have during our day to day. That was pointed out to us several years ago when FL was hit by 4 hurricanes in a row and we lived for over a week without electricity, ice, water, etc….
It puts things into perspective. Hugs. Have a great day.
Very inspiring…we take too much for granted and really need the reminder of how blessed we are. Thanks!
Rita’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday – February 26
You are SO right to remind us to be thankful for the basics. We have come to a very high standard of expectations in our daily life, but with the changing economy, I’m thinking we are going to be reminded of how much extravagant love we have been taking for granted.
Tammie @ Are You For Real?’s last blog post..Thrill Of Victory
love your list of thankfullness
I am again humbled and encouraged by your example! Thanks for sharing and providing this opportunity to praise the Lord!
Lisa’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday: Really!
I completely forgot this was Thursday! What was I thinking? But I wanted to add a comment anyway. We absolutely have so much for which to be thankful. Many things that I take for granted, like my health, my sight, hearing, stability, etc. Thanks for the reminder Iris.
So beautiful. Great reminder for everyone to be thankful for EVERYTHING and not just the big answered prayers.
Debi B’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday ~ Unanswered Prayers
Another great post and another opportunity to find myself thankful!
purplemoose’s last blog post..TT: Basics
I love that you are getting back to basics with TT today. It’s so important not to take the “little things” for granted. Many of which we couldn’t live without! Be blessed today, my friend!
Your Comment…
In the spirit of thankfulness, I shared a post on helping two great charities called Free Rice and Kiva.
Gennaro’s last blog post..New Tsunami Museum In Indonesia
Girl…I just came from your photography pages….WHEW! YOU are blessed with a talented EYE! God’s beauty is captured with the click of your finger! I loved them all!
Oh-Iris…you have blessed my life over and over. I am sorry this old girl has not made it to TT in a couple of weeks! I refuse to whine and whine about all that has been going on—(wouldn’t do any good anyway!)—but GOD Is still on HIS THRONE and HE STILL answers prayers…and I still trust what He does—in my life—and I LOVE HIM. MUCH.
I love you and thank you for your prayers this year. Never have I faced a year when I needed them more.
Angie’s last blog post..Thank the LORD it’s FRIDAY!