“And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the Lord.” ~ Psalm 27:6 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)
Ever feel like skipping, jumping, smiling, dancing – all at the same time? Oh, what a sweet ‘feeling’ joy is. I wanted to share first the definition of the word ‘joy’ from Webster with you, but I don’t agree with their definition.
You see, I think (my personal opinion), joy comes from the inside and not from outside circumstances…So, this week I would like to share with you my joy…
- Thank You, Lord for the joy You have put in my heart. Knowing that You have sent your son to redeem me, to spent eternity with You, makes my heart beat faster — skip for joy…
- I am thankful for my beloved and the joy in our marriage. Especially after I read this interview he gave here. You have to understand, my beloved is a manly man – not a lot of ‘mooch’ – know what I mean. I know he loves me (he tells me every day), but to see how he talks about me outside our own walls, gives me joy…
- I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to raise a son. He is doing well for himself. He truly is our pride and joy…
- I am thankful for Christian women on the internet. I love reading how they find joy in following the Lord…
- I am thankful for the joy in children. I watched a little girl the other day as she was dancing on the sidewalk. The joy on her face was hard to miss…
- I am thankful for cameras. It gives me joy to ‘record’ the glorious splendor around me…
- Last but not least, I am thankful for Fall. My favorite season. With joy, I am looking forward celebrating the birth of our Savior…
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us all by leaving your link below.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: joy comes from the heart — let you heart ‘spill’ out this week…
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Oh, Iris… I love your post this week! I am a “joy seeker”…. can’t think of much better than to be able to live and to feel the kind of joy that only comes from the Lord. A joy that is there no matter the circumstances.
Perfect post. the interview with your husband was neat… How cool. Girl, Love you tons and fall is MY favorite time of the year also. Hugs.
What a lovely post! I too am thankful for having joy in my life. Happy TT!
I am also thankful for joy… the joy of the Lord is my strength. Thanks for leading us all in TT! -Blessings.
This post made me smile, love you my friend.
Thank you once again Iris! last night I found JOY in the Father’s arms and I’m so thankful for that!
Once again we all need to pause and give thanks for blessings received. This past Monday was Thanksgiving in Canada and we truly do have much to be thankful for in this country.
I enjoyed your Thankful Thursday post. Thanks so much for hosting.
What a wonderful post! Joy!! What a wonderful blessing we receive from the Lord when we receive joy! I find such joy in my relationship with my Lord and Savior!
I feel joyful today! I feel blessed…and I am so thankful for so many things…
Happy Thursday!
Great post about JOY! You always have such uplifting things to say. Thank you for that. Have a great Thankful Thursday!
Sorry I posted in the wrong place. I agree with Joy comes from the inside and what great joys we are able to experience each day when we look in the right places with the right motive.
What a wonderful post. And we should all be thankful for the wonderful joy that children bring to the world. If we could only be more like them at times.
Such an uplifting post! Have a wonderful Thursday!!
A wonderful topic today – it made me really think of the blessings that I have & the joy I get from them. Happy Thursday!
Lovely post, Iris! Joy is one of God’s greatest blessings.
Have a great week!
Beautiful message. It is indeed wonderful to have a joyful heart. It’s also great to share it with others.
I had a post ready for today.. but THEN, it hit me! I FINALLY remembered that everyone posts here on a theme. (I know, I’m such a dork!)
Anyway, my post is something I ‘m thankful for, but it’s not on joy so I’m not signing in the “Mr. Linky.” (I did however mention “Thankful Thursday” and invited my visitors to come here and see what you guys are thankful for today. (I’ll try to post with you next week – and of course – PLAY BY THE RULES) Hehehehe
Anyway, I enjoyed your post on “JOY!” I agree – joy comes from deep within (more specifically, from the LORD). JOY is being able to be happy in hard times. It’s also a choice. The Bible tells us to think about “good things.”
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
Okay, I’ll end my rambling now.. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve ONLY JUST REALIZED that I’ve been doing “Thankful Thursday” all wrong and I DO HOPE to join you the right way next week. O:-)
Bless you Iris. In the face of a yucky day, it is so great to have a specific reason to come online and type out something or things for which I am thankful and a blessing to read the posts of others.
Bless the children! nice list. mine is up now. Happy TT to all!
I love that this week is centered around JOY. Thank you, Iris!
Thank you for a beautiful post. I read yours and hurried back to add joy in the Lord to my prayer at the end of my TT post. This meme is such a blessing to me. I’m thankful for faithful women who host and post for the Lord!!
Thank you for an awesome post. You are so apreciated.
Blessings and hugs!
What a great topic to blog about today; JOY! I can have joy in the midst of trying circumstances and uncertainty. How I thank God for the joy that only He can give.
I am also one with you in saying that there is much joy in merely watching a child smile, make all those goofy stuffs and then hug you. God Bless! 🙂
Thank you for the reminder that joy comes from the Lord and not outward circumstances. That is a lesson I am trying very hard to learn! Thanks! Alicia
I haven’t participated in awhile, and felt the need to thank the Lord today. Thanks so much for hosting Thankful Thursday. I needed to read your post today.
You are so right about the joy in the eyes of children. If you get a chance, stop by and see what kind of joy my dd and I enjoyed during a power outage last night.
🙂 I think that is a memory that will stick with her for a long time.
Great post on Joy. Joy is definitely one of my favorite subjects – I named my daughter Joy for her middle name!
Thanks so much for hosting Thankful Thursday – it’s definitely one of the highlights of my week.
How nice to get some kudos from your hubby unexpectedly. That is a source of joy!
Beautiful, Iris!
I went over and read your hubby’s interview and then clicked over to look at some of his pictures. He really is very good! AND, more importantly, he really does love you.
Have a blessed weekend.
I am thankful for joy in my life also. Great post Iris! thanks and Happy TT~
This IS a joyful post, Iris! I loved it. I could feel your joy.
The list just grows and grows every week Iris! What a blessing this meme is to so many women! thanks for helping us spread our Joy!
Loved reading your joyful list. Off to read the interview.
i read your hubbys interview. sweet! xo
nice thankful list , thanks for sharing it with us. mine is up now. Happy TT!