I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High. ~ Psalm 7:17 (ESV – emphasis mine)
There are so many things swirling in my head right now – couldn’t come up with the theme for this week…So, this week, I am ‘plain’ thankful…
- Thank You Lord for being You. Your holiness never ceases to amaze me. You are an awesome God. I thank You from the bottom of my heart for You being there for me whenever I call upon Your name…Which is quite often throughout the day. Thank You for not getting tired of me…
- I am thankful that this past weekend my Sweetheart and I had some extra time together. We had more than just the holiday together. It is wonderful to spend time away from it all. Thank you Sweetheart for loving me – wackiness and all…
- I am thankful that our A/C is still working, even though it is 26 years old…
- I am thankful that I have reliable transportation with A/C, that is also economical…
- I am thankful that we have running water, so I can take a shower if I need to…
- I am thankful that we have enough food on our table. I like to go to the store daily on my way home – that way we don’t waste any foods. I just get what we need…
- I am thankful that I had time to catch up on some things this past weekend…
- I am thankful for my MP3 player so I can listen to Christian music when the day gets to me…
- And I am thankful that it rained on 4th of July. Yeah – I know strange, but it was nice to have temperatures in the upper sixties up north. I actually had purple legs, because it was a huge difference from 114F in the valley…
What are you thankful for this week? Please leave your link below. Thank you for stopping by today – remember – give thanks to the Lord and enjoy every.single.minute you have with your loved ones.
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It is nice to have cooler weather, isn’t it? I don’t do well with hot weather. I absolutely love when fall comes and I can put on a sweatshirt and my sweats. Ok, I know, it doesn’t look all that great to my dh, but it sure does feel good to me! 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
thanks Iris for hosting this every week, I always look forward to sharing thanks. God is soooo good to us in everything!
Sorry I haven’t kept up with linking back every time I post a Thankful Thursday. I’ve TRIED to keep up with the posting and will strive to give you the credit due.
Isn’t time with our beloved just so precious when we can steal away some special moments? Glad you were able to do that. We are HOPEFULLY getting away this weekend.
You mention a lot of those things that so many take for granted… A/C, reliable car, etc… Thanks for the reminder!
Hi Iris!
Our weather is a little cooler today because of the rain and I’m thankful for that too!
Awesome thankful list my friend.
it has been humid here these past few days… but am thankful that it rains during the afternoons and so the nights aren’t half as bad. 🙂
114!! Maybe that is why Mom is coming to visit next week, hehe. Enjoyed reading your list as always. Stay cool my friend, September is almost around the corner.
Yeah, try not to get too chilly in that 60’s weather 🙂 Hee hee. Sounds like you had a nice time together with your husband!
Yes! I am back among the land of the living!!! When I read your thankful of the a/c and water it reminded me I didn’t MENTION IT! Our A/C went OUT on July4! YIKES! It was hot too. But—THANKFULLY, my sweet man can fix MANY things…and when he can’t….he knows someone who can!
I JUST love you IRIS!
Precious IRIS…I’m thankful for YOU and that you host Thankful Thursday! Each time I read your thankful list, I’m so reminded of the beauty of sharing a thankful heart! Each time you have the most awesome grateful heart to our Lord FIRST and always kind words for your beloved. What a treasure you share! I’m so glad that you have an econimical car with AC and an AC in the house that still works! I’m so delighted that you have an MP3 so you can tune out all the bother and tune in TO HIM! We all need to be thankful for the food we have to eat, the simple things like air, water, safety, time to catch up or just relax…how GREAT is OUR LORD! He never misses a thing! Have a beautiful ending to your week and enjoy another
“cooled” off rain shower or weekend up north!
A great list! Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursdays. It’s a blessing to me to spend some quiet time pondering the many blessings God has given me.
Thanks for your faithfulness, Iris, and the occasion to think with gratitude at least once a week.
Hey Iris,
I enjoyed reading your testimony tonight and now your list of many blessings…
I take so much for granted…. GOD IS SO GOOD.
Hi Iris! Thanks again for hosting this. I love your list and was struck by how many things we listed that were the same (and apparently we’re from the same area). I really didn’t copy or “borrow” your ideas, honest. I saw them when I came over to post! I hope you don’t mind. Blessings! ~ Tracy
Iris, this is a beautiful list. It is so easy to take the “luxuries” of our life for granted, when they are really blessings. Thank you for hosting each week.
I love your “plain” thankfulness! You are a blessing.
Nice list, Iris. Thank you once again for hosting this each week – it is such an inspiration and blessing in my life.
A wonderful list to be thankful for. I too am thankful for them! Have a blessed day!
a holiday with your hubby sounds great!!..I’m waiting for that time for us too..but I guess we’ll have to wait a bit longer for the kids to grow up..as of now, I’m satisfied with a couple hours together for a romantic dinner.
Hi! thank you for putting this up. so nice 🙂 This is my first time and can’t wait for the next Thankful Thursday edition. 🙂 God bless!
A/C is such a blessing in the hot summers. I can’t imagine living without it, although I know many did and still do. I guess I’m just spoiled. Great list, as always. Glad you had cooler weather on the 4th.
Ooopps! I entered my name again. Sorry. I’m still half asleep. Can you delete it? I love your Thankful Thursday. Just plain old Thankful! Now that is really the way to go! Thanks and Have a Happy Thankful Thursday Iris!
This is my first time joining Thankful Thursday. Thank you, Iris, for hosting this uplifting meme. 🙂
Hey Iris, glad you enjoyed some cooler temperatures! Glad you had some sweet time with your hubby. I’m thankful too that God is always there. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. And that’s a good thing for sure! Blessings to you dear sister!
Being encouraged by your thankful heart,thank you, Iris.
Since June, it has been raining nearly every day here in my city. In some places of China, heavy rain causes severe floods. May God give us sunny day.
Fabulous list of thanks. I would like some cooler weather….it is in the upper 90’s here. I love how you listed being thankful for running water and food on the table and air conditioning. I think we take these things for granted sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.
Have a wonderful day!
I haven’t taken part in TT for sometime because I have been so busy with the renovations. This week I remembered. I have been so blessed and have much to be thankful for.
I enjoyed your thankful list as well and yes, we should be thankful for water and ACs. Water is a commodity and should be used with care.
So glad to be back.
Great list, Iris! Air conditioning is one thing I am very thankful for!!!!
Wanted to give you a “heads up,” too. We are on vacation (yay!!!!) and I can’t get email. I can get online, but not receive/send mail. Just wanted to let you know…
Blessings, dear friend!
I just posted my first Thankful Thursday!
Hi, Iris. I love your list… especially the one about being thankful for A/C. In Texas it’s getting mighty hot these days (as I’m sure it has been for quite some time now in Arizona). 🙂
I pray you have a blessed Thankful Thursday!
I enjoyed your list! I echo many of those same blessings. = ) Thank you for always giving us the chance to share our thankfulness. This is such an encouragement to many.
Tracy = )
What a wonderful list! We truly has so many things to be thankful for! Thanks for hosting us each Thursday!
Joining in for the first time! Thank you 🙂
hi my friend! wanted to let you know i had my second daughter last week! she came a wee bit early. we are currently lost in baby heaven. 🙂 xoxox
Thank you for being faithful with TT. I like taking time once each week to specifically praise God for His faithfulness.
This is my first time to participate in Thankful Thursday. I think this is a really cool thing here. Hope to keep it up. Until next time.
Hi Iris…I have just signed up to join you on Thankful Thursday. Thanks for hostessing this.
I am a bit late in my first time posting of Thankful Thursday, but here I am!!
Iris, thanks for reminding us not to take life for granted. I love how you stop by daily for what you need… kinda reminds me of “Give us THIS DAY our daily bread”… God supplies all our needs RIGHT WHEN we need them! Have a blessed one, my friend!!!
Purple legs!!! It is hot here but only in the upper 80’s to lower 90’s. Am I ever glad that God is not like man and does not tire of hearing us talk to, pray to, worship, and of course…Thank Him. Great list. Thanks for all you do. I know I have said it before but I’ll say it again. You are a blessing from the Lord. Have a great weekend in Christ Jesus.
Sometimes I think I only have 1/2 of a brain. I put my info and forgot to leave you a comment!
As always you have a beautiful “thankful heart” list. So glad you were able to spend some time with your sweetheart.
And, thank you for always hosting this Meme. It is awesome how many people participate!
Bless you!
Hi Iris,
Isn’t A/C a blessing. That is great yours still works after so many years.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. God bless you.
You have perfectly stated how I am feeling… generally thankful for the bounty God gives us every day, that we often don’t even think about. He is good.
Iris, a great list! It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but not b/c I haven’t wanted too!
God Bless!
I almost forgot to leave you a comment, sorry! I think I did that last week too. Oh, the life of a newbie! I just wanted to thank you for hosting such a special meme. It has become a true blessing in my week. Thanks for sharing your heart and love for the Lord with all of us!
I sense a theme here… HOT! I’m so glad you have air conditioning. Living up here in the PNW, I forget how sizzling it gets down there. (Any trips to San Carlos on the agenda?) Thanks for visiting Chrysalis recently. :~D
Amen on the AC! The heat is really getting to me.
I say “Amen” on the AC as well…truly what a blessing!! As always, love your thankful post, Iris! This time, I was a little late, so my post is entitled, “Thankful Thurs. on Friday!”
I just didn’t want to finish out my week without doing my thankful post!
Blessings to all,
P.S. Oops, Sorry!! Hee, Hee, Hee! Looks like I messed up on leaving a proper link in the last comment.
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Blessings, Janet
26 yo a/c? Wow…It deserved some good loving…BTW, autposted mine but wasn’t able to drop by yesterday…my son is in the hosp…am just online to take care of stuff…will be back to the hosp in a while.
Thanks for your comment on my blog and for the welcome to Thankful Thursday!
Sometimes, when we don’t really think about our life, we forget that God protect us with all we need. count our blessings and we’ll realize that He never let us down.
nice work sis:D