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Wordless Wednesday ~ Rugged
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Photo Hunt ~ Wooden
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so lovely! 🙂
lovely i use to collect cactus
Wow! This is a great photo. I have a cactus of some sort in the backyard that flowered yellow but to my surprise it only lasted for 2 or 3 days if so much then it fell off. I didn’t even get a chance to take a photo
Happy Wednesday
Its always beautiful to experience cacti in bloom. Lovely picture. Thanks for sharing it. Come over and share my sunset!!!
Iris, I like cactus, also its flowers. Also I admire its strong life-force. Even in desert, it never gives up to show its beautiful…
what if my life in desert??? Forget the lord’s love? ??? or can have a wonderful strong life-force with cactus??
That is a great picture. I have never actually seen a cactus bloom IRL
Happy ww.
beautiful- love cacti
so beautiful!!
I was playing with photo shop a little yesterday had a similar type picture.
speechless….. smile
That is a beautiful shot, Iris!
Last summer we went to Utah and Arizona for our family vacation. Needless to say, we saw a LOT of cactus and some were still blooming. I know there’s an object lesson in there somewhere about beauty lying amongst thorns!
That is beautiful!
What a beautiful picture.
Happy WW!
Beautiful flower. I love pictures of flowers and cacti flowers are so impressive.
Have a wonderful week.
Angel ():)
So beautiful! I’m always amazed when I see cactus flowers.
Having been ‘stuck’ by a cactus, I’d name this:
Beauty and The Beast 🙂
Happy WW, Great photo!
What vivid color! Beautiful!
That is gorgeous! I love the color. Thank you for sharing!
God Bless~
just beautiful!!
Very beautiful.
Just gorgeous!!! I love your border . . . is that an action? Great WW!
Very lovely!
I love how that flower pops!
What a beatutiful picture!!
Have a great Wednesday!
It always amazes me how beauty can grow out of hostile environments. *smile*
That picture is so beautiful! I guess even in the hot, brown desert there is beauty!
The word “desert” beckons me to go to Arizona. I would love to see a real life sized cactus, and amazing plants like that! Wow!!
I am new to your blog. I am really enjoying it…and I love this photo!!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
That is stunning. Beautiful, vibrant color.
Isn’t God amazing? Just beautiful Iris. I’m still trying to get to your other posts. I think I need to vacuum and dust first. Sigh…..
That is beautiful.
Wow that is an awesome picture thanks for sharing!
Hey there Iris…
I tagged you for a book meme……I know your busy so don’t feel obligated!
Beautiful…did you take that??
You know I have felt tired all day today. I have been praying for you and your son, any answers yet?
Beautiful. Creation reveals God! Only God could create such beauty for His children. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful pic! I love how natural it looks, not groomed, but with the grass or sticks around it. Love that!
{{happy WW}}
Beautiful bloom. It reminds me of how we can be…….might be little dry and thorny and then amazingly enough a beautiful flower blooms. Just another example of how God defies our way of thinking and uses exactly who/what He chooses! 🙂