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Laced with Grace – October 2011 Desktop
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I haven’t a clue what it is, but I’m very artsy either. It’s pretty whatever it is. I like the colors.
fancy chair ?
Well, the photo is great as usual, but I’m not much into modern art. Thanks for coming by.
Have a very blessed evening!!!
So intriguing and the colors are striking.
Is that supposed to be a bird?
…Or a seal…(?)
Hummm…a windmill blown over? Interesting! It does spark discussion, not silence ☺
Say What???? You are the most interesting woman I know. Cool Pic!
Very interesting. I was thinking some kind deer or something. Im up!
Wow, nice colors.
That is fabulous. Mine is up too.
“I Feel: puzzled”
me too 🙂
not much into modern art
What an interesting piece … what is it?
Mine is up and its all about toilet paper and spiders! Do come have a look
I love modern art!
It’s colorful.
lovely piece!
Great piece of art work. Bright enough to cheer up your day.
Thanks for sharing.
what is it???? What ever it is ….it’s pretty neat.
It’s a weather vane giraffe.
That is quite interesting and different. It almost reminds me in a weird sort of way of an abstract deer.
Cool pic!!
My WW is finally up 🙂
Thanks for stopping by earlier to enjoy my weekend trip with me 🙂
what a neat way to display colors..i love this photo
So, what do you think it’s supposed to be? Can you tell I don’t understand abstract art?
Hmmm, kind of reminds me of a deer . . .
Well, that’s what modern art is all about!
Happy WW!
I think it looks like one of the Christmas deer with a Valentine’s spin!
Hmmm…..I don’t know, though! Have a great day!
Hi Iris,
I think it looks like a reindeer… from a Dr. Suess book.
Hmmmmmm– Art? Not for me. Some how it does not “speak” to me like paintings. But, interest is in the eye of the beholder.
That’s both playful and colourful art. Great entry;)
I must be an eccletic person. I like alot of different things. And I like alot of color!
Nice photo. Just popping over for a visit. Nice place you have here. 🙂
I love this! I love the shapes and colors. Hugs!