Say Hello to…

…this week’s tenant “AMCP Tech Blog“. The blog has some useful information regarding the internet and other computer applications (which I am very fond off LoL). Here is a short description:

Welcome. Thank you for choosing the AMCP Computer Privacy TECH BLOG as your choice for learning about: technology, computing, Internet, business, consumers, spyware, adware, trojans, computers, viruses, and technology news.

You might learn something new – I know I’ll be visiting often, because I always look for new information regarding my PC or the internet…

Yep – A New Look

I have found another passion of mine – I think it ranks in the #4 or #5 spot. I really love to work with HTML codes. This new template is from Italy; the designer’s name is Cristina and the website is called Pannasmontata Templates. Check out the work – it is worth it. I had to do a little tweaking, but nothing major (it helps if you have a good HTML editor). Please do let me know if you are having problems leaving comments or the site is not loading correctly.
Maybe this new design will win some battles on BE’s “Battle of the Blogs“. I do wonder if people are voting for the design or for the content…Hm, brings me back to the post by Jeff a couple of weeks ago. I definitely vote for content and not the design (although it does help if the blog looks clean and organized). So, battle participants, do you vote for content or design?

Say Hello to…

…my new tenand Jeremy Shipp at “Haunted House Dressing” – his tag-line:
“Tired of the same old websites filled with free online novels, short stories, animation, music, natural health information, movie lists, gibberish, insanity, and photographs of condor ghosts? Well then, you better not visit this website.”

Why Eph2810…

BibleSome of you might wonder why I named my Blog Eph2810; some may not be surprised (especially people who know me) when they read my Blog.
You see, I am Bible believing Christian (Lutheran to be exact) and I didn’t understand the gift of God until 7 years ago when I started attending a Lutheran church here in Arizona and my son started his confirmation class. In Germany, till this day, in most of your Lutheran churches the “Law” is more preached than the “Gospel”; which is strange, since one of the biggest and influential reformers was Martin Luther.
At first I thought that I never paid attention in church when I was younger, but believe me I did; I noticed it again when I was in Germany last year and attended the church my mom & sister belong to.

So, here I am in confirmation class with my son (parents at my home congregation are strongly encouraged to attend the class with their children), I finally understood the grace of God…WOW – what a revelation that was to me… There it was – right in front of me and I never had noticed it before…

There is absolutely nothing I can do to earn my way to heaven. No matter how much I put in the offering plate (I do tithe though) or how much I am involved in church. God loves me anyway and it was by His grace that I am saved, not my merit, but His. No matter, how many times I stumble, He picks me up, dusts me off and says: “My grace is sufficient for you”. I am cleansed through the precious blood of Christ. Ah, what a comfort!
So, since that revelation, Ephesians 2:8-10 are my favorite Bible verses and always will be until I meet my Lord in person and can thank Him for what He has done for me…

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
(Eph 2:8-10 NIV © IBS)