What Can I Say…

She has been a blessing to me from the first time I stopped by her Blog. I wish she would still post here, but I can find her sometimes over here…She has been busy following God’s lead and uniting women of faith from all around the globe…

You are wondering who I might be talking about? Well, Darlene of course. I like that she started this Friday meme, because I can finally highlight her (can’t do that too well from CWO’s Blog :wink:)….Darlene and I have many things in common; we are both guests in this country (oh, you didn’t know she resides in Canada?); we both love the Lord and our families…

But where Darlene really has been blessings my socks of is through the CWO Enzine. What you have not been there or didn’t even hear about the Ezine? I really encourage you to stop by sometimes. Darlene truly has a heart to unite women of faith. It does not matter which denomination you ‘belong’ to. If you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, believe in the Trinity ~ you are in the right place. Darlene is surrounded by an incredible staff of women writers and I know that you will find something that will strike your fancy….

Why don’t you, when you can spare a couple of minutes this weekend, check out the Enzine? Browse around the many topics that are covered. Check out the CWO Blogroll. I am certain you will find someone on there that will bless you… And if you have some more time, stop by the CWO Blog. Valerie just started posting this past week, and what a wonderful encouraging post it was…

Thank you Darlene for being a blessing to many Christian women and especially a blessing to me personally…

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~Romans 15:5-6

You all have a blessed Friday…

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Back At Me…

…well, first I don’t get tagged at all for a very long time and than twice in one week. Hey – that is okay. I enjoy memes here and there…

So, you wonder who tagged me? No other than a gal from Texas called Carol; but most of you know her as “She……“. So what is this meme all about? All the things you always wanted to know about me, or not – hehe.

Oh, and before I forget: it is my friend’s birthday today. Check out her celebration ~ she has some cake for you too :razz:. When you have a chance, stop by TN’s blog today and wish her a ‘Happy Birthday’…

Okay – so here we go with the Pizza Box Meme…

What was your favorite thing about being a kid? The trips we took with my parents all over Europe. We usually took off for several weeks. But my favorite vacation spot were the Alps. The crystal clear glacier lakes (although they were very cool to swim in) ~ it was/is a beautiful spot.

What was your favorite subject in school? Hm – not sure. I know it was not Math. I want to say it was History and Geography equally. I loved learning about the past and the different spots on this globe…But I think I have forgotten much. I used to know all the captial city from every country. I still remember some, but not all of them :sad:.

Who was your best friend when you were 10? Oh my. His name was Knut (I think). Yeah you read right – it was a boy. I was a tomboy – loved soccer, riding my bike like a maniac (have the scars to prove it), enjoyed collecting bugs…I just didn’t like to play dolls – what can I say…

If you could be any animal what would you be? I think I have to say a dog…Being loved, even doing stupid stuff (like chewing the carpet), my owner still loves me (in most cases :grin:). All I have to do when they get home, be happy, jump up and down and still get a treat from them…

What would you change about your school, occupation, life right now? Well, school – nothing I don’t think. Had a pretty good school. Occupation – something more creative than accounting. Can’t get creative in accounting. Although you could, but that would land you most likely in jail :lol:. My life – hm….I am pretty content with my life. So, no I wouldn’t change much – maybe not living in the desert???

What is your favorite color? Blue ~ blue like the ocean I don’t see too often :wink:.

What is your favorite type of crust and topping on pizza? I only like my pizza home-made, because most of the places here in the US have thick tomato sauce on it – ekkkk!!!! I like mine thin crust with EVOO, tomatoes, lots of Italian cheeses, salami and peppercinis. Yeah – my kind of pizza.

I am not sure who I can tag, who not has done this tag yet??? Well, let me try Jenn, Mar and Sissy? Hope you ladies have the time or would like to share some things about you…

Also, please step over to CWO’s Ezine. The September issue is out.

Have a blessed day and Happy Friday – yeah!!!!

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