Tackle It ~ The Collection…

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..the DVD collection that is. Okay, so we don’t have a huge collection, just some movies that either hubby or I enjoy ~ we actually watch those again. Anyway, they use to lay flat on the shelf of the coffee table. But every time I was looking for a specific movie, I had to take them all out.

Here is the picture before (kinda ~ forgot to grab the camera before I started):


Well, here is the after:


I guess I better tell my Sweetheart that we can’t buy any more movies :wink:. No more room to put new ones…

I did do other things to straighten up the house, but I didn’t take pictures. I know that I have many tackles that are more rewarding…but they have to wait. No new up-date on my big print for the bedroom. I really have a hard time picking from our photo collection. Do I hang something from San Carlos or Arizona? Do I just want one of my flower shots? I really don’t know…I think the summer has dried up the last usable brain-cells. I did see something really cool today and maybe it will work?!? One flower, but four different filters in one picture…What do you think about that? Any good suggestion at this point are very much welcome….

So, what did you tackle today? Something that was on your list for a while or something totally im-pronto? Just let me know and I’ll stop by before or after work.

To find more Tuesday Tacklers, check out our home-base at 5 Minutes For Mom. Although our hostess is gone until Tuesday night, I know from a reliable source that Janice prepared hers before she took off to the cabin. Have a blessed Tuesday :)…

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Tackle It ~ Another Drawer

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Before I start and tell you what I tackled today, I want to thank OntheRock for giving me the idea :razz:…it was her “Works for Me Wednesday” post last week.

You know those kitchen-drawers that always seem to catch all? I have several of them and I claimed one back tonight!!! Yeah me. So here is the ugly before:

Before Mess

Most of it went into the trash and the rest was put in the places they belong…I even put new contact paper in the drawer ~ Double Yeah Me!!! Ever put contact paper in when it is 100+ degrees? Not fun! Anyway, I got some new towles at my favorite place ~ Ikea . Glad that I only have 30 minutes for lunch, otherwise I might bring us into the poor-house (I am not kidding). Anyways, I bought 16 new towles ($14 including tax:grin:). It looks little empty in the drawer, because they are still outside drying, but hey, it is a start. So what do you think of this little project? Cool?

Pretty, Pretty

Want to check out other Tuesday Tacklers? Than hopp on over to Janice at 5 Minutes for Mom :razz:…

Happy Tuesday, you all. Looking for my “In Other Words” post? Scroll down.

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Tackle It ~ Or Not…

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…Ladies, I have been really exhausted tonight. I slept for an hour on the sofa and am still tired. It is 11:05pm and yours truly did not do a project. I am sorry Janice…*sigh*. The summer heat is kicking really my bones this year.

But I can say that I finally took the two bags of clothing I packed in last week’s project to the cloth-recycling bin (yeah, only drove around with them for a week ~ that is a an accomplishment in itself). So does that count as my project for this week?

Okay, so for the picture with week. I decided to hang pictures on my wall, instead of painting the walls in the bedroom. One is already up:

Desert Picture

I am still thinking about the big one over the bed…I am having a really hard time deciding what to hang there. I have so many landscape pictures that it is hard to pick a favorite. I hope I can make up my mind soon. Our bedroom still needs a couple of touches to be complete, but as mentioned, I ran out of money to buy the bigger things. So, stay tuned for the completed bedroom…

Want to visit women who really get the job done and have projects worth while, visit Janice at 5 Minutes for Mom…and hopefully next week I have more accomplished than this week…

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Tackle It ~ The Closet

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As I mentioned yesterday, today’s project was planned 4 weeks ago. That is when I took the ‘before picture’. But than we bought the beautiful bed stuff and out the window went my closet project. Until Sunday. You know, a closet can only take so much. Sunday, I just put one more pair of jeans on top of the pile and down came the whole thing. So, I talked myself into finally doing the project I had planned so long ago…Here is the before mess (mind you, this is 4 weeks ago):

Messy Closet

I was so proud of myself. I kept talking to myself about the project all day long and when I came home Monday night, I did it!!! I took my black garbage bags, headed to the closet and cleaned out my top-shelf. And voila:

Clean Top Shelpf

Yeah – that looks much better and I am sure I will no longer get attacked by my jeans…AND I found my favorite night-gown :razz:.

So, did you tackle today? Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to check out who else is tackling on Tuesday. Okay – off I go to write my other post. Toddles…

Oh, and if you are wondering about my bedroom project? I am still working on it and I seem to have found a way to decorate my walls in a less expensive way, than paint. But you have to come back next week for that (hehe)…

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