Account Over-Drawn

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~ Albert Einstein ~

You know, God never said that we would have an easy life as soon as we become Christians. Sometimes it even becomes harder than just living in the day without a care.

My dad always used to say: ‘There are no difficulties in life. There are only opportunities to grow’. When I was younger, I never understood what my dad meant. It made no sense to me at all. But now, since I am a little more grown up, I know that he was right (I wish he would be still around – he always had great wisdom to share *sigh*)…

As I encountered one issue after another last week, I was just zapped by Friday afternoon. Although I had a great night’s sleep, I felt, oh, I don’t know, not my usual self when I got up Saturday morning. There was nothing left to draw from. It was like a bank account totally over-drawn. And I figured out that I hadn’t had a deposit made for a while. You know, just being a Mary in a Martha’s world… Let everything go and just meditate on His word…After Saturday morning, I felt rejuvenated. I allowed Him to make a deposit into my account…and didn’t run off to solve everything on my own.

Did I encounter difficulties? Nope! I had the opportunity to grow closer to Him. Although this week didn’t start any better than last, I just let it go and moved on, with a smile…And I am planning to make a schedule for my household chores and hopefully will manage to stick to it :razz:.

“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” ~ Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Please continue to stop me in my tracks when I need You to make a deposit into my account. In the name of Jesus, I pray ~ Amen.

CWO Tuesday Meme

Pst ~ Tackle Tuesdayers ~ scroll down for my tackle job this week :wink:.

22 Replies to “Account Over-Drawn”

  1. Wonderful words. It took me a while to realize it but once I accepted God my life did get harder. It was only through reading the word more and soaking up understanding that I saw in order for me to be where he needed me , and in order for me to be how I was to be I had to stuggle upstream a while. Life is a bit, just a bit easier, but I am not so worried as before. God is always there to help me go on!

    Iris I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  2. Makes perfect since to me. I hope even tho your week didn’t start off well, it is going better now – both you and your hubby.

    All my best in stickin’ with your household routine. I have a hard time with that, myself.

  3. It’s way too easy to empty out and empty out and sign up for even more, never stopping to think we need to refill. Great reminder – Martha was worn out, worried, whacked. Mary was not. Mary wannabe – that’s me.

  4. I love the attitude your dad had. I feel that same way.

    Right now we’re in the middle of difficulties w/ the school district. But when you SEE these times as opportunities to make things better, so do the other folks you have to deal with. The positive attitude helps everyone work better together.

    Reading your post, I was reminded about recharching w/God, too. Haven’t done that enough lately. Actually writing a routine down again, and sticking to it would help, too. 😉

  5. Thanks for posting this. And what a wonderful legacy your dad has left you – I have a feeling his words of wisdom will stay with you and continue to encourage you during the rough days.

  6. this follows along the lines of Ame’s post about re-fueling…I love both analogies…as we can relate to both….lack of money due to the high cost of gas 🙂 I find if I don’t “re-fuel” or make an early morning “deposit”…I lose perspective very quickly. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Thanks Iris for the great reminder that we all need to refuel. Sometimes we try to give out of an empty tank. You know I was told to never let my gas tank get below a certain mark because once it does, it starts sucking up all the trash that has been deposited at the bottom of the tank. So be careful when you try to minister out of an empty tank. You may just end up spitting out trash. Where do I get all this wisdom? Sometimes I amaze myself. I know, I know, get over yourself Polly. Thanks I needed that.

  8. Tackle Tuesdays is a great idea. On the topic of scheduling your household chores, I found a little desktop calender that is awewsome for that. I downloaded it just this past weekend, and I started entering all kinds of info. on it. If you want a little scheduler for your puter, let me know and I’ll give you the link.

  9. Your Dad’s wisdom is so accurate! I’ve it phrased slightly differently, but the sentiment is the same… our failures are our stepping stones to success. Nice Scripture verse too. Have a great day!

  10. I was listening to Through It All this morning and was reminded of the opportunities in problems. Especially this part:

    For if I’d never had a problem
    I wouldn’t know that He could solve them,
    I’d never know what faith in God could do.

  11. Hey! I’ve missed you! I’ve been off in my own world for a week or so. This is a great post, and so very true! I wish everyone understood what you are trying to say here!

  12. Recently, I’ve begun looking at the difficulties in my life as a means God uses to draw me to Him. It is through those trying circumstances, that I realize my utter dependency on Him to provide for and sustain my life–the physical and spiritual needs. Going without His word is like fasting from food and water–the “deprivation” causes me to realize my NEED!

    I so enjoy your way with words; simple but focused on the One who delights in meeting our needs. 🙂

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