Going for the Quick Fix?

For me, quick fixes don’t work. You see, I do read my morning and evening devotions (in a rush mind you), but they don’t satisfy my longing for peace in Him.

Some of my regular readers where surprised to read yesterday morning that I felt “blah”…I was feeling that way when I got up at 6:30am. The house was quite (both guys still snoozing), so I picked up my Bible and read His word, really read it!!! The entire chapter of Proverbs 16. It felt so good to just read the words and soak them up into my heart. Especially after the challenging week I had. Oh, nothing major. Just the usual day-to-day stuff, like getting our summer electric bill ($325); our son not knowing what his next move should be; wanting to complete a project but running out of time and money; work-related stuff; planning meals for the week (deleting horrible ‘spam comments’ of my blog) ~ ya know ~ the ‘fun things’ of life.

Note to self: ‘Take the time to dwell in His presence and schedule some uninterrupted time to meditate on His word’. Thank you Darlene for adding the new feature “Snippets from the Word” to CWO and taking the focus off of me and back on Him.

I feel much better this morning, have a plan to finish my project(s), catching up on some writings, finishing my chores, visiting some blog friends and having some quality time with my hubby…

“Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
~ Proverbs 16:24

Update: TNChick posted a wonderful link today. Send a ‘Thank You’ card to soldiers serving currently in Iraq.

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10 Replies to “Going for the Quick Fix?”

  1. So happy to read you are doing better this morning and you had some uninterupted you time to read. I was wonderin’ about you yesterday and prayed you’d be OK.

  2. I like that “pleasant words are a honeycomb”–that’s for sure. It’s also the opposite, one bad word can totally ruin my day like a bitter herb can ruin a feast.

    I can’t imagine you feeling blah. Don’t burn out, take that needed rest and munch on a “honeycomb” or two.

  3. Slowing down is good. It’s hard to stay focused and composed when the adrenaline from incidences wants to get the better of us. Good reminder to especially slow down enough to spend time with God. That will be my next step too.

  4. I have some of those days, too. I just wake up feeling blue.

    What a great Proverb, thanks for sharing. And thanks for your encouraging words on my blog recently. I needed it!

  5. so true! so often i just ignore God and His word. I don’t spend deep, quality time with Him and so i suffer. Thanks for the reminder and so glad you are feeling better!

  6. Iris, please know you are entitled to have the blahs, God never promised life would always be hunky dorey. I am thankful you found comfort in your time with the Lord. It is so good to hear the honesty that you face as well. I too was blah when I recieved a 300 dollar electric bill as well!!
    I love coming here because you are so real, and we need to be.
    I too read the Proverbs 16 snippet and it was refreshing. That is a great Idea on sweet Darlenes behalf.
    Have a great fresh week!!

  7. I am really glad you are feeling better…being able to have quiet time to meditate really does help one feel better, I think. *s*

  8. There’s just no substitute for time alone with Him in His word, is there?

    I think the Snippets is a wonderful idea. I’m sure many will receive blessing and encouragement through this simple offering.

  9. Hi Iris. Was blessed to hear you’re feeling better. The Word has such a soothing effect on our heart, doesn’t it? Jesus really comforts.

    I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with blog stuff, and trying to refocus on my writing goals for other places. Just wanted you to know that you’re one of my favorite reads. Hope you’ll pray for me.


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