Thankful Thursday ~ Hope

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” ~ Psalm 42:11 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)

First of all, I would like to thank your wonderful participation over the last couple of weeks – you ladies are so wonderful sharing your grateful heart – you all ROCK!!!!

This week I will not really give you a list, but share my reflection on hope with you. I have looked up ‘hope’ in Webster: “to cherish a desire with anticipation”….Wow – what a definition that is.

As of lately, I only survive on the hope I have – a hope that all things will work out for the good. In Romans 5:4-5, Paul shares: “…and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

What if I wouldn’t have that certain hope? What if I were hopeless like so many these days…It makes me shiver…I am glad that I can put my trust and hope in God. Even when the days don’t seem so sunny, I do always I have Sonshine. My Lord makes my journey lighter.

I so now can understand Christian teachers like Pastor Greg Laurie, who just lost his oldest son in a car accident. If the foundation is not Christ, but our own ability to make it through life – we would be lost. Lost in hopelessness.

I was never a great journal-writer, but over the last couple of months, I have shared – in writing – with my Lord the hope I have. The trust I put in Him. Although I always have prayed, I have never expressed my prayers in writing. As I am looking back over my prayer journal, I can see the changes. All I can say (as the Psalmist states) “For I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God”.

One of my current favorite songs is “My Hope is You” by Third Day. I listen to it often. Let me share with you the chorus:
“My hope is in You – show me Your Ways – God being truth – In all my days…My hope is in You…”

Yes, God is the only hope we can really hang on to, because He has a wonderful ‘record’. He has shown His faithfulness over thousands for years – and I know that He will be faithful until eternity…Hope in Him never disappoints 😛 …

Thank you so much for stopping by today. What are you thankful for this week? Please link your Thankful Thursday post below…


Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Gina’s Public Diary
2. Twinkle Mom
3. Heather@mommymonk
4. Angie
5. Cheryl
6. Denise
7. Tänia of Faith Prints
8. toknowhim
9. Felicity
10. Aisha 😀
11. Susan @ Forever His
12. Ann/mom2HandH
13. BP @ Raindrops & Rainbows
14. Peggy
15. Peggy@3Ms..aMazing Grace
16. Nancie
17. Pia @ My Life’s Journey
18. Paula @ Refined By Him
19. Cheryl@Hope
20. Laurie @ womentakingastand
21. Cara Lynn
22. Linda
23. Millie
24. Willnette
25. Lynn (Spiritually Unequal Marriage)
26. LaDonna
27. Tracy @ Thirsty for Him
28. Sherry(@myjourney)
29. Amanda
30. Ladynred
31. Michelle
32. Lisa@blessedwithgrace
33. ari_1965
34. Ice Cream, Family and… Hope?
35. Joanne@ Blessed…
36. genny
37. Serendipity Park
38. alihsee @ remember the moments
39. Tami @ The Next Step
40. Colored Heart
41. Susanne
42. Schotzy
43. Renee @ In Christ Alone
44. Kim aka GoofyMamma
45. Stacy
46. Amanda Bowers
47. Heahter @ Not a DIY Life
48. Willow
49. Mary
50. Robyn@Overflowing Grace
51. Tammy
52. Brianna
53. Gina@chats with an old lady
54. Mama Bear
55. Kristi@ Kikis Corner
56. akash
57. flmom
58. Michele-ScreamFree Parenting(this works)
59. Erica
60. Mamasmurf (Chrissy)
61. Tracey @ Cheese and Whine
62. SharonB
63. Carrie – Oak Rise Cottage
64. Karen
65. In Light if the Truth
67. Tracy @ Seed Thoughts
68. Karen – Focusing on Relationships
69. Julie
70. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
71. Rosheeda
72. Prairie Chick
73. Lea
74. Mommy Magee
75. Annabelle @ Christian Momma
76. Front Porch Legacy
77. Nancy @ Homemade Blessings
78. Diane
79. Donetta at a life uncommon 🙂
80. jennifer’s joyride
81. Michele
82. Tea with Tiffany
83. Irene *The GreenGreek*
84. Bella Mama
85. Beverly
86. becky aka theRAV
87. Kathy C.
88. pam @ without fear
89. Laurie Ann
90. Kim @ Scattered Stones
91. Janet @ Daily Provision
92. Mariah
93. Heather
94. Linda aka Yellowroseli
95. Janera
96. Nessa @ Ramblings of a Texas Housewife
97. Marsha
98. Nette
99. Tessa @ Jesus-Filled Hope
100. Kathy
101. Edie @ Rich Gifts
102. Kathy @ Joyful Journey Journal
103. Rocks-thankful for the HOpe
104. Kathleen
105. Pat
106. Blessedw5mom (Heather)
107. Kathy S

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62 Replies to “Thankful Thursday ~ Hope”

  1. God bless You Iris always for Thankful Thursday and particularly sharing your encouraging words…This verse means so much and it really hit home when you said,I so now can understand Christian teachers like Pastor Greg Laurie, who just lost his oldest son in a car accident. If the foundation is not Christ, but our own ability to make it through life – we would be lost. Lost in hopelessness..

    I think God tries to prepare us for the bigger things to expect in life because He can see what we can and sometimes we can’t understand why He is preparing us till something comes to pass. Praise God, He loves us so much He tries to cushion and strengthen us the best that we allow Him to work in our lives.

    Praying still for you and your family Iris and that all is well with you, dear Sister in Christ.

  2. I think think this post was a great lesson for me. I needed to read this. Hope. You picked a great subject! Thanks Iris. As always you do a wonderful job. Thanks again for hosting and Happy TT to you! God Bless~

  3. I am so thankful Iris…that we have a “KNOW-SO” hope. The world has a hope that just “hopes”….”wishes”….even longs for ….but we-as followers of Christ—have a hope that is a “know so Hope! “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:1-6 KJV
    (Sorry—got carried away!) I love you and appreciate your ministry and faithfulness to His daughters—to the readers—to the hungry hearts!

  4. Hi Iris,

    What a great topic!! I wish I would of waited, I would of loved to write on HOPE.

    I was so sad to read about Pastor Greg’s son, really shocked. I’ve always LOVED his ministry and still get his devotionals.

    What a loss to the body of Christ. Sometimes you wonder…

    Yes, I’m so thankful for the HOPE we have in Christ. No matter what, He’s there, He’s faithful, and His promises are true.

    Blessings to you as you continue to be such a blessing to so many?

  5. Blessings IRIS…I am so thankful for the HOPE I share with you in Christ Jesus and so many beautiful blogging sistas! I look forward with HOPE each Wednesday for Thankful Thursday! I was not going to do a TT because I’m doing a month of Challenges yet I have so much each week to be so thankful for…I never share
    as many THANKs as I really have…and I wish I would have waited for your topic of HOPE but I wanted to have mine ready to go…Sorry that I had to combine TT with my Challenge. Your words bring wisdom and are filled with such gratitude! You speak so truthfully about how difficult our lives would be without this hope..and
    how so many wander through life hopeless…or give up hope…or search in the wrong way for hope…May the HOPE you share and the song in your heart carry you through until the completion of “I only survive on the hope I have – a hope that all things will work out for the good. In Romans 5:4-5, Paul shares: “…and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” May YOU IRIS “cherish a desire with anticipation”….and know deep within GOD holds the HOPE we need each day to make it to the next and realize we are just one step closer to Eternity with Him!

    Thank you my dear sister in the Lord and friend! Lifting you in prayer! Be blessed!

  6. Thanks for this very encouraging post! I am thankful to God that He is my hope and strength daily. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us, Iris. Thanks again for hosting this encouraging Thankful Thursday. May God bless you always!

  7. Today,7th,July, is Chinese Valentine’s day, so happy Valentine’s day to every sister here.

    Iris, thank you so much for sharing the topic of Hope. Do you know that these days I feel so hopeless, I could not feel our heavenly father’s love, even I doubted his love for me…but thank the Lord, he lifts me up not only with his love, but also with other sisters’ love.

  8. Iris…. oooooo. these words; What if I wouldn’t have that certain hope? What if I were hopeless like so many these days…It makes me shiver…

    Oh Iris, I absolutely do not know how people cope with the harshness of life without the hope of God. I would be lost, utterly lost in dispaire without the Lord.

    I know your are clinging to His promises. They will not fail you. Your hope will be brought full circle and you will see the promise, in this life time as well as the next.

    Iris, thank you for continuing your ministry here and at Laced With Grace. Your encouragement is used for so much good. You wont see the entire impact this side of heaven but I promise you this. Many will come to you one day in heaven and say, “I was one of your silent readers and you helped me in my moments of need.” Love you girl. Hugs, Lynn

  9. Amazing! I was reading some scripture this morning and just happened to read about our hope in the Lord. Praise God that we are able to put our HOPE in Him!

  10. Thank you, Iris! I haven’t been posting for a few weeks here. Not because I wasn’t thankful but because everyday “stuff” got in the way. I am so thankful that God is in control and when we surrender our will to his and accept what he has planned for us, he works it all for good. Praise Him!! Bless your heart, this morning.

  11. Hey IRIS,
    How are you this beautiful THANKFUL THURSDAY!
    YOU ROCK too! LOL
    Thank you Iris for hosting Thankful Thursdays; this day is such a blessing and I’m grateful the Lord uses you for such a wonderful blessing, and WOW… — SO FAR 75 OTHER THANKFUL HEARTS! WHOOhOoO

    Hugs and HOPE,

  12. I’m thrilled that I found you & Thankful Thursday! I’ve been blessed beyond measure by the Lord! I praise Him that His mercies are new every morning!

  13. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Know that the scripture tells of this effect. Rest assured heart sickness of a hope deferred is a natural law. like gravity it can pull on us pulling us down. Trust in God , Neither be afraid. Worship Him. Take comfort that He understands the effect of hope deferred. “This to shall Pass”
    Even in the most tender of heart wounds those that attack us at the core…there is a healing in the walking through it. It is about Him being glorified. It is not about the fear, the pain the discomforts and the threat. It is all about the glorifying of HIM> Then we too shall comfort those with that same comfort which we have been comforted with. It really is quiet cool. You know I pen this for my own recall as well:)
    Be Embraced, big hug and an effort at humor as well. It is all so silly really just the enemy design to distract us. To prove us out.
    Yes we will Praise God! Yes we will trust God and yes Virginia there is a Santa clause Ha! There is a God who gives us good gifts.
    I do not know the suffering your faced with but I do now suffering, and best yet I do know the comforter.

  14. Thank you so much for hosting this much needed TT. I love the theme for this week… HOPE… Thank you so much for the touching words. You blessed my heart.
    God Bless,

  15. That is the verse I quoted to myself all the way to California, when I was starting to feel nervous! Thank you Lord for your words of comfort and hope!

  16. Iris, what a great theme! I love the hope I have in Christ. I’m so glad you chose this for today. It really blessed my heart. Thanks so much for hosting such a great meme each week. You are a blessing!!!

  17. Hi Iris! I so agree with what you stated about “some days not being sunny, but you always have the Sonshine!” What a good way to put it! That’s so true, because even though we may not always “feel” happy, we can always have a special joy and peace (as only God can give).

    Thanks so much for this post.


    P.S. To Iris and everyone: This week, my post begins with another song. You may view it at:

  18. Hi! Just did a Thankful Thursday post…my first in many many weeks…more like months. Not that I haven’t been thankful…I’ve been without internet for a time and also moving. Here’s to staying put for awhile! 🙂

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